Muddugare Yashoda | Janmashtami Special Song | Lord Krishna's Melodious Song | Rajshri Soul

2022-08-20 54

Mother Yasoda is kissing the Bala Krishna (Mudugare Yasoda) and he is submerged in her kisses like in a tub of Pearls (Mungidi Mutyamu). Like a Ruby (Manikyam) he is shining and for Kamsa the demon he is strong as a Diamond (Vajram). His consort Rugmini’s lips are like Coral (Pagadam). When he is Govarda Giridhari, he is like Gomedhikam (Hassonite). Lord Krishna is wearing Vaiduryam (Cat’s eye) in between his Sanku and Chakra. When he is dancing on the head of Kaliya, the Serpent king, he glows like Pushyaraga (Yellow Sapphire) and when he is Lord Venkateshwara, he is like Indra Neelam (Blue Sapphire). On the whole he is like all the precious gem stones, always helping the devotees.

#janmashtami #lordkrishna #devotionalsongs

मुद्दुगारे यशोदा मुङ्गिटि मुत्यमु वीडु ।
तिद्दरानि महिमल देवकी सुतुडु ॥

अन्त निन्त गोल्लेतल अरचेति माणिक्यमु ।
पन्त माडे कम्सुनि पालि वज्रमु ।
कान्तुल मूडु लोकाल गरुड पच्च पूस ।
चेन्तल मालो नुन्न चिन्नि कृष्णुडु ॥

रतिकेलि रुक्मिणिकि रङ्गु मोवि पगडमु ।
मिति गोवर्धनपु गोमेधिकमु ।
सतमै शङ्ख चक्राल सन्दुल वैडूर्यमु ।
गतियै मम्मु गाचे कमलाक्षुडु ॥

कालिङ्गुनि तललपै गप्पिन पुष्यरागमु ।
येलेटि श्री वेङ्कटाद्रि यिन्द्रनीलमु ।
पाल जलनिधि लोन बायनि दिव्य रत्नमु ।
बालुनिवले दिरिगी पद्मनाभुडु ॥